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Network Programming

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1. Introduction to network programming                    

Introduction to computer network: client/ server model, Protocol Suite (ISO/OSI, TCP/IP), Unix Standards (POSIX, Open Group, IETF), Network Utilities (telnet, route, ipconfig, ifconfig, ping, netstat, And ftp) Introduction to programming: wrapper functions, header files, libraries and ports numbers, IP address. Iterative server, concurrent server, networked servers

2. Elementary operating system calls        
System call, program, thread, process, Kernel, fork(), exec() and its family, waitpid(), wait(), pipe(), Fifo(), signals (SIGCHLD, SIGINT, SIGIO). IPC Names, creating and opening IPC channels, IPC names, creating and opening IPC channels, IPC permissions

3. TCP/UDP transport layer protocols        
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): features, connection establishment and termination, states in communication (LISTEN, TIME_WAIT, ESTABLISHED, BLOCKED) UDP (user datagram protocol): features, uses, comparison with TCP. TCP and UDP buffer sizes and limitations. SCTP

4. Elementary socket calls        
Socket address structure: for IPV4, IPV6, UNIX domain socket and generic socket address structure, value-result argument. Byte ordering and manipulating function: htonl(),  htons(), ntohl(), ntohs(), inet_addr(), inet_aton(), inet_ntoa(), inet_pton()

5. Elementary TCP-UDP socket         
Socket(), connect(), bind(), listen(), accept(), read(), write(), close(), sendto(), recvfrom(),

6. I/O multiplexing         
Introduction, I/O models: blocking I/O, non-blocking I/O, I/O multiplexing, signal driven I/O (SIGIO) and asynchronous I/O model. Select(), poll(), shutdown()

7. Socket options        
Getsockopt() and setsockopt() functions, IPV4, IPV6, TCP socket options

8. Name and address conversion        
Domain name system, gethostbyname(), gethostbyaddr(), uname(), getservbyname() and getservbyport(), gethostname() functions, socket timeouts

9. Unix domain protocol         
Introduction, Unix domain socket address structure, socket pair function, Unix domain stream client-server, UNIX domain datagram client/server

10. Daemon processes, Inetd super servers                     
Introduction, Sysloged (syslog function), daemon_init function, inetd daemon

11. Broadcast and multicast          
Introduction, Broadcast and multicast addresses, comparison between broadcast, unicast and multicast socket options, Unicast versus Broadcast, multicasat versus broadcast on LAN

12. IP layers and raw socket                         
Introduction, raw socket creation, input and output (ping example)

Lab exercise
There shall be lab strictly using c/c++/Java/Linux
Linux commands 
IPC (Pipe(), Fifo(), Message Queue)
TCP, UDP and Unix Domain socket client server program
TCP echo server and client program
Fork() System call
Wait() and waitpid() system call
Uname(), gethostbyaddr(), gethostbyname(), gethostname() system call
Shell programming 

Reference books 
Stevens W. R., “Unix Network Programming”, Vol-1
Stevens W. R., “Unix Network Programming”, Vol-II
Doglous E. Comer, “Internetworking with TCP/IP”, Vol-III


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